Saturday 26 February 2011


I think I'm beginning to feel the effects of my PD really seriously at the moment. I'm so sore and tired and shaky. If it doesn't get better I think I am going to contact my PD nurse to restart the meds. Isn't PD shitty.I'm so tired and cranky at the moment.

And I'm not happy!

I have no energy. I wonder if I made a mistake coming off the meds?

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry you are having a bad time. It always seemed a drastic projecet but you were determined to give it a go so I don't think it was a mistake; if you had not tried you would have regretted it. I would now increase medication very slowly to the point at which you are getting the best compromise between reducing symptoms and side effects.
